Team News Submission Guide

Team News Tuesdays cannot exist without your contributions

Please email team news and updates to with the following standard so that all updates can be easily sorted and sent off to the “Team News” writer.  If the standard is not followed, collection may be hindered and this may delay the release of your team news. We are hoping for lots of updates, but we do not want to overwhelm any readers to the point of not reading; so if there is overwhelming amount of team news in a given week then the writer may make a judgement call to delay the news until the following week based on the item’s time sensitivity.

Team News/Updates Email Format or Standard

Send emails to

  • Subject Line: Team News: Team Name
    • e.g. Team News: UCLA Water Ski Team
  • First standalone paragraph/sentence: Whether the announcement is a time sensitive.
    • e.g. The deadline for this event/activity/order is January 20, 2017, please post with a team news release prior to this deadline.
    • e.g. The deadline for this news release is not time sensitive, please post with a team news release as soon as possible.
  • Second standalone paragraph/sentence: The title or brief summation (in a few words) of your news
  • Third, Fourth, Fifth+ standalone paragraphs/sentences: The news item or update for release
    • Use specific dates such as Saturday February 20, 2017 in case the news item is slightly delayed for release.
      • Saying this past Saturday, when the event or news was about a Saturday two or three weeks ago can lead to reader confusion.
  • Pictures: If you have pictures, please include them as an attachment to the email.
    • If you include a bunch then 1 to 3 will be chosen for inclusion.
    • Any photos not befitting the standard of the NCWSA website will not be used.


Example Email

Team News: Marquette Water Ski Team

This news is not time sensitive.

Marquette Water Ski Team Performs Community Outreach

…… News blurb ……